Please read this important announcement about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how Tonic is adapting to face this global challenge.
It was with great sadness that on March 16th we closed the Tonic shop and suspended our choirs and workshops until further notice. This closure was a direct response to coronavirus, with a mind to slowing the spread and protecting our Tonic community.
A week later on March 23rd the Prime Minister addressed the nation to announce measures that would require the temporary closure of Tonic services, regardless of our own decision. Social distancing had begun.
While we can no longer provide services that involve social gatherings, we will continue to offer support to our amazing Tonic participants and friends as best we can:
We have set up Tonic WhatsApp groups for people who attend our choirs and groups. This is for participants who want to keep in touch, chat about music and art, and tell us about what you've been practicing at home. If you just fancy a chat or need some support while our workshops are not available, the WhatsApp groups are the place to start. If you access our choirs or groups and would like to join, please private message us your numbers and we will add you.
We will be holding virtual workshops. We have already successfully held art and creative writing workshops, and we are investigating how best we can provide our other services using group video calling.
We will continue to provide support to those in need. Where we cannot help you ourselves, we will direct you to the services that can.
We will be posting many articles in the blog on our new Tonic website. This will include an original series on the History of Tonic. We are hoping these articles will help maintain engagement until we can meet in person again.
We will keep you updated on the status of the fundraisers and events we had planned. While many have already been postponed or cancelled, it remains possible that some may still go ahead at the end of the summer. Many will be moved to a later date. Check our Events page for up-to-date information.
As most of you will know, Tonic Music for Mental Health challenges the stigma associated with mental health and promotes recovery through music.
With groups suspended, many of us have been sharing ideas to help keep our spirits up at home.
If anyone would like to share ideas, music or crafts, let us know and we will gladly share with the Tonic community.
Some of our amazing attendees along with our magnificent Jade have already put together a Spotify playlist for you to listen to:
Looking after your mental health is paramount in these difficult times.
The thought of attending Tonic again once restrictions are lifted will for many of our community be the light at the end of the tunnel, especially after an extended period of isolation.
Long periods of isolation can take their toll on our mental health. We are social animals, and social distancing is unnatural for us.
Once lockdown restrictions are lifted, there will be many people in need of a Tonic for their mental health. It is imperative we are there for you when this time comes.
We will continue our work behind the scenes, ensuring we are ready to jump into action the moment we are able to provide our face-to-face services again. Until then, please stay engaged and keep in touch.
Take care of yourselves and each other, and remember – we’re all in this together.
Team Tonic