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The terminology of suicide

To mark World Suicide Prevention Day, Tonic editor Simon examines the use of the term “commit suicide” and why it should be consigned to the history books.

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The term “commit suicide” is still commonly used in the United Kingdom, often by people who don’t realise the history and implications surrounding it.

Let’s examine the history and unintended meanings, and then look at some alternatives.


Historically, suicide has been considered both a sin and a criminal offence.

Taking one’s own life has been condemned or forbidden in many of the world’s major religions, including the Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and the Dharmic religions of Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism.

Many countries have historically considered suicide a criminal offence, and a significant number still do. If someone tries to take their own life in a country where suicide is illegal, but survives, they will be charged with a criminal offence. Seeking to punish someone in a mental health crisis, or facing such adversity that suicide appears the only way out, seems the height of cruelty, and yet this was the case in England and Wales until the Suicide Act 1961, when suicide’s status as a criminal offence ended.

Unintended meanings

The use of the word “commit” implies that a sin or criminal offence has been committed. Is this really appropriate for someone facing such adversity that they have attempted suicide?

The phrases “committed a sin”, “committed murder” and “committed an offence” are commonplace. The implication is that something has been done that is either morally wrong or illegal. In these contexts, the use of the word “committed” seems reasonable, even factual.

Such language is, however, not appropriate when discussing suicide, as it stigmatises people who need help and support. It is also factually incorrect, as suicide is no longer illegal.

While the phrase “commit suicide” remains engrained in the U.K., steps are being taken to change this and things are getting better:

Phrases to avoid and what to use instead

Phrases to avoid:

  • Commit suicide / committed suicide

  • Cry for help

  • A ‘successful’ or ‘unsuccessful’ suicide attempt

  • Suicide victim

Phrases to use instead:

  • A suicide

  • Taking one’s own life

  • Die by suicide / death by suicide

  • Suicide attempt

  • Ending one’s life


If you are feeling emotionally distressed or suicidal you can get help by calling Samaritans on 116 123 or by emailing



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