Tonic Rider Coordinator, Jeordie Shenton, recently provided a workshop for the Tune Up Project in Ipswich.

On Thursday 7th December, Tonic Rider provided a workshop on mental health in the music industry for 10 young people attending the Tune Up Project. The project is located and run by The Smokehouse in Ipswich, offering 16-25 year olds a 10 week live music events course teaching skills in production, programming, marketing and event management.
This year the group are planning a gig to coincide with Independent Venue Week. As part of the workshop, the young people identified some of the stressors associated with organising a gig and learnt grounding techniques to address these. It was a fantastic workshop and the first time Tonic Rider had visited Ipswich.
The Tune Up gig is Saturday 3rd February 2024 (7:00pm doors) at St Stephen's Church, Ipswich, headlined by Fräulein and with support from Takeda, Eve's Delight and Fuze.