TONIC have gratefully accepted Mayfield Studios invitation to a free recording session.

Our Men's Music Jam Group (MMJ) Will be heading to Mayfield Studio's in December to record a three track demo.
TONIC have gratefully accepted Mayfield Studio's invitation to a free recording session. When sharing this news with the MMJ group, they were all very excited and for many, it will be their first time in a real recording studio.

We now have around seven weeks to prepare and rehearse these songs in time for the recording session. The songs we have chosen will capture a performance from everyone, which really celebrates the inclusivity of the group.
There will also be an original composition written by one of the members. This trip to Mayfield will hopefully live long in the memories of all those taking part. This will mark the perfect end to a very enjoyable group.

Men's Music Jam is a free music workshops to support men recovering from mental ill health or experiencing poor mental health within the community.

The Men's Music Jam group is funded by Adult Community Mental Health Transformation (No Wrong Door).